HGSI Doc Top Down Review and Primer 2.28.2016

Greetings and Welcome to this week’s Top Down Review and Primer.

I have had a number of questions over past few weeks about the HGSI suite of indicators I use and decided to combine a tutorial with my typical weekend review.

We have had a big 10 days or so for the Bulls.  Now we are getting into an area of increasing resistance as we break above the 50 day SMA and head up to the 200 d SMA.

It is time to wonder whether this move if for real or are we in a Bull Trap?  Time will tell but this is not the time to ignore your portfolio.

Let’s take a look at what the market is showing us.  If you are an old timer, just skip the beginning presentation and head right to the  review of the markets.


PS: I will be speaking live in Orange County at the George Lea – Greg Mills meeting this weekend in Southern California.  Come say hello if you are at the meeting.  Because of that engagement, there is a good chance I will not be recording a review next weekend.

PPS: As always please excuse my spelling mistakes
Trade safe my friends


Use one of the links below for this week’s video:
The Dropbox is up now, allow some time for the additional sites…
1. My BLOG http://tinyurl.com/JAS-HGSI-BLOG

2. My You Tube Site http://tinyurl.com/You-Tube-HGSI-Doc or https://youtu.be/OSsYxj4MdaQ

3. My dropbox hthttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5871292/HGSI%20Doc%20Primer%20and%20Top%20Down%20Review%202.28.2016.mp4

Note: For Dropbox video, once the video starts, RT Mouse Click and Save AS to your computer. By default, videos in DROPBOX, turn off at 30 minutes.