HGSI Doc Top Down Review for 12.22.13

Santa Claus gave an early present to the bulls as Santa’s helper Ben Bernanke successfully threaded the needle by announcing the beginning of the taper in January while appeasing the FED doves with the written statement continuing a very accommodating Fed policy for months to come.  This week I go for an extra 30 minutes as I talk more about the upcoming HGSI Doc + George Lea Summit in NYC Feb 14 -16 and review my performance for the year.  This has been a great year for those that let their winners win but a tough one on the shorter term trend traders.  I also acknowledge a couple of great traders that helped me a lot this year.  The next 2 weeks may offer some low volume volatility as most managers have already locked in their 2014 gains and with XMAS and New Year’s occurring mid-week, I do not expect a whole of big news to affect the market.  I hope you enjoy this week’s video and more importantly hope that you consider joining us at the NYC Summit before the NYC Traders EXPO Feb 14 – 16 2014.
